Medellín is Colombia's second largest city, a principal manufacturing and industrial area, as well as a commercial flower growing region, particularly orchids.

 Antioquia department in northwestern Colombia is in the mountainous region between the Cordillera Occidental and the Cordillera Central. Here, the temperate climate gives Medellín, the capital of the Antioquia state, the names of "The Land of Eternal Spring" and "Capital
of The Flowers”. 

Their typical food is the Bandeja paisa; Traditional Antioquia dish with beans, ground beef, egg, rice, plantain, chorizo sausage, pork cracklings, arepa and hogao (a sauce based on tomatoes and onions). Mondongo: A soup based on tripe, pork, hen, and cassava, and flavored with cilantro. Sancocho: A soup based on chicken, potatoes, and plantains.

your Population is  3,750,000, including the metropolitan area Climate: Temperature ranges between 18° and 28° C (64° F and 82.4° F) Altitude: 1,475 meters above sea level Main economic activities: industry, textiles, trade, and service. Its Area is 382 km² .The people. Medellin is home to a population of about 3.8 million. It’s not so big that it’s intimidating, but not so small as to seem too close after a while. 

What has struck me most about the people of Medellin is that they are mannered in a way that’s almost considered old-fashioned nowadays. But it's sincere. The gentle people of Medellin are hospitable, friendly, welcoming, warm, and ever-ready to lend a hand. While there are currently few foreign residents in this city, this is changing. And the local population seems to be embracing the change.

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